
Hello! I am a portrait and documentary photographer with a passion for amplifying underrepresented voices, and finding beauty and dignity in the seemingly ordinary and unremarkable. 

Coming from a professional background in international development, my love for visual storytelling grew during my roles in regional programme coordination for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe. I love the way in which taking photographs provides an excuse for asking deeper questions about people’s lives, and the power of the resulting images to help others gain a new perspective of the world.

The stories of individuals and communities remains my central motivation for creating images. From social justice champions to pioneering artists and creatives - I’m always excited to learn about the journeys that make a person who they are, and to then communicate this through my photographs.

My work is characterised by warm tones, texture, and the play between light and shadows.

Get in touch if you would like us to work together!



IG: @ruthsamuelsphoto